
Conservative Diversification and Expansion
After nearly four decades focused on building a portfolio of multi-tenant and freestanding industrial properties, Trico has embarked on a program of conservative diversification and expansion. With its considerable in-house equity, the firm has broadened its acquisition parameters to encompass retail, professional office properties and medical suites ranging from five to 20 acres in size.

Our Growing Vision
While Trico’s primary vision will remain the purchase of land and existing product for long-term ownership, the firm also is pursuing profitable acquisition opportunities with shorter ownership tenures. From land for development to mature business parks and office condominium conversions, it will continue to aggressively invest its equity in projects throughout Southern California, concentrating on value-add prospects in the Inland Empire and Orange County.

A Broad Spectrum of Expertise
As it grows and diversifies its portfolio with the purchase of quality buildings and business parks, Trico will utilize its construction capabilities to refurbish and upgrade its acquisitions. As the firm acquires raw land, it will draw on in-house capabilities for the entitlement, development and lease-up of diverse projects. With hands-on involvement in every detail of its activities, as well as sensitivity to the needs and quality of life in neighborhoods that surround its investments, Trico is committed to adding value to acquisitions throughout Southern California’s commercial real estate community.

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